That Buffoon Gianni Infantino, The Head Of FIFA, Is Getting Roasted For Taking A Selfie In Front of Pele's Casket During His Wake

Remember this idiot?

The guy who claimed he could empathize with mistreated migrant workers in Qatar because, like "minorities, gays and the disabled, he was also marginalized because he grew up with red hair".

Yah well he was pretty much saved by the World Cup Final being one of the greatest finals in sports history. The disaster that was the 2022 World Cup was all kind of swept under the rug and the world shifted its focus back to non-soccer-related things for another four years. 

But Gianni is still gonna Gianni. 

And that means when he attends the wake of the most popular soccer star of all time, Pele, he's not going to be shown up. People might have came to pay their respect to Pele, but they stayed to see him. And if they want to snap a selfie with him, with Pele's rigor mortis corpse in the background, who is he to say no?

It's what Pele would have wanted.

Gianni Infantino. Man of the people.

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